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Court of the Dead

Nov 21, 2012

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Chebaka Toys

About three months ago, I wrote about the pre-order for these new vinyl toys from Creo Design Shop that come in a variety of colors. A couple of weeks ago I received these in the mail for review. Out of the box these look great, the packaging is done well and the toys them selves look good out of the box. My first thought was that these would be great for customizing. Out of the five the only quality control issues were some bubbling of the paint on the green one. This is not uncommon as even big companies have a toy or two that make it through with some QC issues. 

Well it had been a while since I had written about the pre-order so I hopped over to Creo Design Shops store. I found out that in addition to the five color ways there was also now a blank DIY toy. This brings me to my only problem with these toys. Like I said before, these look great for DIY aspects, they are simple with only a base color and no real detail to them. Now I see they are offering a DIY version for $15. The various color ways go for $20, or $85 for the set of 5. I could see spending $10 a piece for these across the board, but with such simple base colors, I cannot see these being put into a collection straight out of the box. The options for designers at this price level are numerous, kidrobot alone has all their 4" DIY's for $10, the 7" ones are the same price as the Chebaka color ways.

These are nice forms, but I think the price needs to be cut in half for these to be of interest to the general toy community. Now I just have to figure out what I am going to do to customize my set. 

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