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Court of the Dead

Nov 12, 2012

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Sekure D x Nugglife Smash Bros!

Grab this awesome series by Sekure D and Nugglife!

Everybody get ready because the big boys have come to play! Joining forces for the first of many Dunny series Ian ‘Nugglife’ Ziobrowski and I today bring you our Smash Bros set! A 6 piece one of a kind blind box release where we have taken 3 of the most iconic Mario Brothers characters and given them our own original spin! I used my ‘Codename Unknown’ sty
le and clean lines to reinvent each of the main characters and Ian has used his quirky sinister tone and incredible painting technique to recreate them within his own artistic universe!
People may have seen a teaser for these at NYCC this past month but with Sandy crashing into New York setting Ian back we have been somewhat delayed in releasing these but they are now set to drop and we couldn’t be happier! Each blind box will be $100 and come with a custom box included! As mentioned earlier this is just the first of many series that the two of us will be working on together to strap in and wait for more craziness!

Release date is this Wednesday Nov 14th at 12 noon. These pieces will be available on my new website located in the store.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book