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Court of the Dead

Jul 19, 2012

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TENACIOUS EXCLUSIVE: 2.5-inch DIY Mini Dudes by Dudebox

While this item was never intended specifically to be a Tenacious Toys Exclusive, it is right now. This 2.5-inch blank white vinyl DIY platform is a mini version of Dudebox's popular new 7" DIY Dude. Obviously, this character is their mascot. Dudebox has 2 blind-boxed mini figure series (Big Bang and Super Amazing Spectacular) that utilize this 2.5-inch platform as one of the 3 shapes available in each of those series. And, of course, they had some blank Mini Dudes produced as well, apparently for use in some projects down the road. As such, they never really marketed the 2.5-inch DIY Mini Dudes, nor did they offer them to retailers. That didn't deter me, though. I asked about these platforms and Dudebox, surprisingly, agreed to sell me some! After the fact, when the shipment was already en route, they told me that Tenacious Toys will be the only retailer that will have these items! Now, it's possible that other retailers will catch on, and ask to buy some. I'd be surprised if they didn't, after seeing that Tenacious is the only shop with them... but right now, at this moment, Tenacious Toys is the only place to get them!

We'll be ordering more different Dudebox products in the near future. For now, you can buy the big 7" DIY Dudes and the mini figure series directly from Dudebox.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book