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Court of the Dead

Oct 5, 2011

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Matt Anderson's The Reaver custom 16" Qee at our NYCC booth

Behold: The Reaver, a new, as yet unseen, custom 16" Toy2R Qee by Matt Anderson! Will be for sale at NYCC Booth 876, where we'll be hosting this biggest, baddest custom show you've ever seen at a comic-con. The Reaver is priced at $2,500, and it's one-of-a-kind.

I was just talking to Kevin Winnik (President of Toy2RUSA) today and he asked me if we were going to be able to fit the customs we're bringing into the booth. 
Yes, I answered, yes, it'll be tight, but they'll fit.  Sure. *wink*

Somewhere, among a few hundred Toy2R production toys by JPK, Jason Freeny, Emilio Garcia, we're going to have about 75 custom Qees crammed into every corner of the booth.
It will be the definitive mecca at NYCC for those of you who dig custom toys. Everything from 2.5" custom Qees by Rampage Toys, all the way up to eight or nine 16" custom Qees towering above your head....
Not to mention resin toys, and even custom Qees incorporating cast resin pieces! Madness.
Expect many, many more posts here about the insane customs as we run up to NYCC. Booth 876.
Come and play!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book