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Court of the Dead

Sep 3, 2011

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Space Junk Destroyer by Bad Applez

Two of my friends, Mike Mendez and Robert Ingellis, have formed a company called Bad Applez, Inc., and this is one of their first projects: the Space Junk Destroyer! Above flyer for the TK3 show at Rotofugi shows a Space Junk Destroyer painted by Robert (left) and one by Mike (right).

Bad Applez Inc. is a NYC based company specializing in resin toys, vinyl toys and resin garage kits! Owned and operated by Rob Ingellis ( OsiRisORion) and Mike "NeMo" Mendez, Bad Applez Inc. will be producing toys and model kits that appeal to every collector, while keeping true to the DIY ethic of the scene today!

You'll be able to meet Mike and Rob in person at the Tenacious Toys / Toy2R booth at this year's NYCC. They'll be signing, along with Bob Conge of Plaseebo, in a group signing Saturday October 15th at 3PM. Our booth # is 876 in the Cultyard.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book