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Court of the Dead

Aug 31, 2011

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Ian Ziobrowski "Crook ED the Cop" painting at Rendition

Ian Ziobrowski shares with us one of the 3 paintings he has sent over to Fort Collins, CO for the opening group show at Bryan A. Collins' brand spankin' new Rendition Gallery. Bryan reached out to a number of awesome artists and gathered them up to show at his very first gallery show. Rendition Gallery will be displaying custom toys as well as paintings at this first show, so if you are in CO, you better get yourself over there. Friday September 2nd is the opening night party.

With this "Crook ED the Cop" painting, Ian Ziobrowski showcases his considerable skills and his further exporation of the characters in his NUGGLIFE world. When the Rendition Gallery show opens this Friday, we will reveal Ian's 2 accompanying paintings.

Speaking of galleries, Ian and his brother just opened "Ziobrowksi's Art Studio" in Medford, NY on Long Island. You can go see Ian's paintings and toys and get inked by Eric. Address is: 2329 Route 112, Medford, NY.

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