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Court of the Dead

May 6, 2011

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Den Ramos custom "Prepare for Glory" for Cast in Plastic show

"Prepare for Glory" custom for Cast in Plastic show
A beautifully executed custom by local hero Den Ramos (aka Mr. Den), this piece will be shown at Domy Books in Houston, TX on starting on May 14th at 7PM. A show curated by my friend, customer and associate Marie Ung, the Cast In Plastic show will be showcasing a truckload of local and global talent in the designer toy scene. For more pics of this custom, check Mr. Den's Flickr. Also hit up the Cast in Plastic blog and Facebook page. Here's more about the show from Marie herself:

Cast In Plastic: Art from the Designer Toy Revolution will be the very first
Custom Toy Show in Houston, Texas. The show will encompass 30+ different
artists from around the globe. Each artists will display their work on a
variety of vinyl platforms. They have been hand selected because of diverse
concepts, background and skills. The introduction of this scene will allow
viewers of different age, groups and demographics to participate in this
movement; whether it would be from buying, selling, collecting, creating
customs or educating others about it. Houston has a very large art community
and the Custom Toy scene would be a great addition to our diverse culture.

Artist roster:
Abe Lincoln Jr.
Andrew Shondrick
Brett Osborne
Christian Navarrette
Daniel Anguilu
Fried Gold Productions
Ian Ziobrowski
Igor Ventura
James Fuller
Jay Bramhall
Jeremiah Ketner
Julie Truong
George Lamontagne
Lara Slater
Luihz Unreal
Malo Customs
Martin Hsu
Matt Anderson
Mr. Den
Ryan the Wheelbarrow
Valerie G
Zam Art
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book