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Court of the Dead

Dec 14, 2010

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Joe Ledbetter Chinese Zodiac mini figures

Joe Ledbetter just released images of his upcoming vinyl mini figure series, coming in 2011 from PlayImaginative: the Chinese Zodiac figures! 
12 figures, corresponding with the 12 different animals in the Chinese calendar. I'm assuming that these will be blind-boxed (don't hold me to that) and that they'll be about 3 or 3.5 inches high (don't hold me to that either). Joe says they'll be released 2011, and aside from that we have no other info. But these figures look like an INCREDIBLE follow-up to JLED's fun Finders Keepers series released a while back by Kidrobot. I think we've all been waiting for some more JLED mini figures, haven't we? 
Email us if you're interested in these; please write JLED ZODIAC in the subject line and tell us how many figures you want, or if you want a sealed case. (We might also do open-box sales once we have them in stock)
We sell first to those of you who contact us in advance.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book