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Court of the Dead

Oct 21, 2010

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Win a BirdBot poster and papertoy

I got poster #12 out of 300. Hand-numbered at the bottom.

BirdBot Instructions from HyperQuake on Vimeo.

Okay folks, bear with me:
So I don't know if I met someone from HyperQuake at NYCC, or if I'm just super special, but today I got a big, cool, high-quality BirdBot poster from the fine folks at Hyperquake. Hyperquake is, from what I can tell, a design/branding agency. I think. They have an online portfolio, a blog, a poster series, and a character named BirdBot which is also a downloadable, customizable papertoy (are you listening, Eric Wirjanata?). With my poster was packed a BirdBot papertoy on perforated heavy stock paper, ready to punch out and put together.
Like I said, I'm either very special, or very dense, or both.
But I like to make people happy and the cool part about owning a toy shop is people send me a lot of interesting things which I can give away.
So I am giving away this BirdBot poster and papertoy via a simple contest:
Leave a comment under this post with your email address and your favorite bird character from a TV show or movie.
On Monday I'll put the names in a hat and pick a lucky winner!
(If you don't want to reveal your email publicly, you can email your answer to me instead with the subject line "BIRDBOT").

To see an image of the poster, click here. To design your own BirdBot papertoy, click here.

HyperQuake Poster Series - #4
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


  1. thunderpanda at thunderpanda dot com
    my favorite should be Night Owl. :D

  2. birds and robots wicked combination. Kind of like hard-core origami.

    Ok so favourite bird from a TV Show or movie....

    so many so i'm gonna spam you by giving your four!

    First one:
    Sheldon from U.S Acres aka Orson's Farm -Garfield and Friends.

    ninjarobotboy at gmail dot com

  3. Mr Owl from the tootsie pop commercials is the best of course :)

    xxsmackx at aol dot com

  4. second one...Daffy Duck

    ninjarobotboy at gmail dot com

  5. and third...

    3 Bobby, Squit and Pesto aka The Goodfeathers from Animaniacs

    ninjarobotboy at gmail dot com

  6. My absolute favourite. A character that scared the sh@t out of me as a kid

    Great Owl from The Secret of NIMH

    moody.doom at gmail dot com


Please leave a comment! Benny will approve within 24 hours.

BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book