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Court of the Dead

Jun 26, 2012

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VA Paper Toys Tenacious Toys Street Dog

Our friend Bengi (aka nati513) has modified VA Paper Toys' Street Dog template to create a Tenacious Toys Danger Dog paper toy! He kindly printed out and constructed one of these himself and mailed it to us (pics above).

You can do the same by clicking here. Download the paper toy image / template on that page (it's the huge image that doesn't fit on the page), print it out, and cut and glue it into the shape above!

Once you create your Tenacious Street Dog, take a pic and email it to us! We'll update the page with your images of the constructed Tenacious Street Dog, along with your name, location and a link if you want us to post that. Try to take a picture with a local attraction (like the Eiffel Tower if you're in Paris, or Big Ben if you're in London...).

Big, huge thanks to Bengi and to Willie Beren of VA Paper Toys!!!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book