Behold, a few sneak peeks at not only our exclusive silver Tuttz figures by Argonaut Resins, but also one of the chase figures: Robo Tuttz! There will be a few other chases in this series. Total number of Tenacious Exclusive Silver Tuttz figures will be 12. I believe the price will be the same as the other Tuttz figures Argonaut has released: $55. They will be blind-boxed in matching silver boxes and due to the low run number and the fact that there will be several chases, your chance of pulling a chase is pretty high! Will post up a link to the Silver Tuttz in our store as soon as we get em. Oh frabjous day!
Jun 19, 2010
argonaut resin, argonaut resins, silver tuttz, tenacious toys exclusive, tuttz

SNEAK PEEK 2: Tenacious Exclusive Silver Tuttz figures
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Silver Tuttz Wave 2 release date Sunday Sep 19...

Tenacious Toys Exclusive Silver Tuttz Wave 2 work-in-progress image...

a work in progress...

Tenacious Toys x Argonaut Resin Silver Tuttz Exclusive: July 8th release...

SNEEK PEAK: Tenacious Toys Tuttz chase figures...
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These look mint!! You're doing a great job keeping me hooked :-)
These are looking damn FINE!!