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Court of the Dead

Oct 10, 2009

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Qeenormous Maximus 5-ft custom DLi$h Qee up for auction


After two years of moving around, the Qeenormous Maximus is looking to find a permanent home. The piece has traveled throughout California in galleries including 1AM, D-Structure, and Filthy Dripped.

This is one of very few five foot Qees in the world. It has been meticulously painted by DLi$h to become the ultimate show stopper. The toy was slaved on for just under two months before completion. Weighing in a just over 70 pounds, this toy is no toy. Unlike most custom toys, this piece is made of fiberglass rather than vinyl.

The theme behind Qeenormous Maximus is the idea of creating an entire world that lives within the toy. You will find numerous windows that show a surreal setting of monsters, machines, and diabolical mayhem.

Go eye to eye with Qeenormous Maximus and you will find yourself staring at two naked girls posed elegantly awaiting their savior. This piece begs to make the statement that vinyl toy art is not just a hobby; It’s the new emerging medium in the urban art world.

The piece will be auctioned on Ebay w/ the opening price starting at… ONE PENNY. 10% of proceeds will go to Project Open Hand, so we’ll see what Qee can do for the world.

Click here to view the ebay auction and please pass this info around, it's for a good cause!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book