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Court of the Dead

May 31, 2009

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Kidrobot x Junko Mizuno Pure Trance mini figures release date: June 4

We just placed our order for our master carton. Can't wait! These look SO AWESOME!

About Junko Mizuno (info taken from Kidrobot website):

Born in Tokyo, May 27, 1973.

In 1996, Junko Mizuno self-produced a photocopy booklet called MINA animal DX which brought her to the attention of the publishing industry in Japan. Her drawing style, which mixes childish sweetness and cuteness with blood and terror has become a sub-genre of the classic manga movement.

Mizuno’s original designs were highlighted in the BBC’s acclaimed documentary series, Japanorama, and her artwork is frequently featured in gallery shows around the world. Junko Mizuno currently resides in Tokyo where she produces new comics, illustrations, paintings and design products ranging from toys to clothing.


Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book