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Court of the Dead

Apr 21, 2009

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15% off ANY ORDER until 4/28/09: coupon code FACEBOOK15

We want to thank our hundreds of Facebook friends (and blog followers!) by giving you your very own discount code to use this week! Just paste the code FACEBOOK15 into the code box in your Tenacious Toys shopping cart for 15% off any order!
Code is valid for one week, ends on April 28th.
You may use this code for multiple orders, and there's no minimum order.
Also, many of our products are ALREADY on sale so this code will give you 15% off the lowered sale prices.
And don't forget that we are throwing in a free tokidoki Moofia figure with every order during April.
Free shipping for all US orders over $100.
Hopefully our little sales and freebies can take the sting out of the current financial crisis & help expand your toy collections!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book