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Court of the Dead

Dec 28, 2022

Tarbus the Tardigrade What Lurks in the Murk Edition 3-inch vinyl figure by DoomCo (NYCC Exclusive)

Vendor: DoomCo Type: Vinyl Art Toy Price: 30.00 DoomCo Designs teams up with Squibbles Ink to bring forth the world's first vinyl toy designed entirely in virtual reality: Tarbus the Tardigrade. Tardigrades (a.k.a. water bears) are microscopic creatures known to be among the most resilient animals on planet Earth. Tarbus the Tardigrade stands 3.25" tall and is made of durable vinyl. Tarbus arrives glossy, unpainted, and ready for death-defying action! This is a special NYCC exclusive color featuring deep green/blue vinyl colors, like the deep sea. * 3.25 inches tall * limited to 50 pieces * vinyl * What Lurks in the Murk color exclusive to Tenacious Toys * comes bagged with header card Buy it here: Buy it here:
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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