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Court of the Dead

Apr 20, 2018

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Preorder Anabusters 5-inch PVC Figure by ANATOY

Anabusters PVC Figure

PREORDER ships May 2018

“Anabusters” is a combination of five characters of PUNKBUSTERS, an art toy of Korea. The concept of this toy is various characters in one body of Anatoy. This is possible because the Anatoy is split into 12 pieces.

size: 5 inches
highly articulated
materials: PVC & ABC
designed in South Korea by ANATOY

ANATOY is about the complex.

ANATOY is an Art Toy that brings the concept of anatomy to toys and talks about the mental or physical complexes that everybody has but hardly get people’s understanding.

People set goals and make steady efforts to overcome their complexes, but it is not as easy as they think. We have a number of characters who have their own complexes. They are offered a wide range of experiment suggestions at ANATOY Market (ATM) so that they can overcome their complexes and lead an ordinary life like others.

This process helps us understand and empathize with many different complexes of ourselves and others that all of us do not want to show. What we at ANATOY want is help people to have a better and deeper understanding of complexes things that everybody lives with and how one embraces them.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book