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Court of the Dead

Sep 23, 2014

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Kyle Kirwan at NYCC 2014 Booth #425

This year at NYCC 2014, Brooklyn based artist Kyle Kirwan will have a bunch of stuff to show and sell at Booth #425 in the Block. In addition to Stickers, trading cards, buttons and magnets, Kyle will have a new mini-figure on hand, as well as some customs for sale. Kyle is probably working like a mad man getting everything completed and ready for NYCC, which seems to be growing every year.
At NYCC, Kyle will also have the Willo Resin Prototype on hand, for people to take a first hand look at. The Willo prototype was the basis behind Kyle's successful Kickstarter, which funded back in May. Rotocast resin pieces are going to be made as rewards, based on the prototype. This will be a chance for people to get a better feel for size and scale of Willo. Hopefully this will get more people excited for Willo, so when the figure does release, there should be no problem selling them to the masses.
Not to limit himself to just 3D goodies, Kyle will also have some original pieces of art for sale at his booth, #425 in the Block. Everyone who is attending NYCC 2014 should stop by Kyle's booth and pick up some items.
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