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Court of the Dead

Aug 19, 2014

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Hoodsbee: The Hoodie That Becomes A Plush Toy - Back the Kickstarter!

 Hoodsbee is an innovative hoodie that transforms into a plush friend... or a plush friend that transforms into a hoodie. With Hoodsbee, there are so many options. This unique patented technology allows your little one to carry their travel plush buddy, put it on when it is cold, fold it back up into a plush and use it as a head pillow for when they are tired. It's as easy as 1,2,3! Fold, roll and snap! Now, not only do you have a pillow and a travel companion, but you also have a nicely wrapped up hoodie that is easy to store or travel with.

The best part about this new product is that it is being developed and produced by a friend of mine from college- a great guy with a lot of excellent ideas. Hoodsbee is being funded via a Kickstarter, and there's only 8 more days to go! I backed for 2 Hoodsbees for my niece and nephew. I'm stoked to see this one through! So get on it, people! Many more pics, info and videos on the Kickstarter page

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book