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Court of the Dead

Aug 23, 2014

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FP-420 Grow-op custom Deathshead by Ian Ziobrowski

 In 2028, WWIII devastated planet Earth.  Populations were decimated, factories stopped production, food shortages were rampant, and very few survived the slaughter.  Humankind was set back thousands of years.

The limited few that were left moved North or South, anywhere to escape the war madness surrounding them.  Generations of families did what they could to survive.  Many created small communities from the rubble of war - old factories, the remains of corporate technology, 21st century waste, etc.

Today is 2420, and one small mystical hamlet, 'Nugglife', sits high above all others in the territory formerly known as the Smokey Mountains.  This plush and close-knit community is one of the last green growing regions on Earth.  Its leader, Nuggs, is the most infamous grower in the world and he is about to unleash his most recent creation the "FP-420".

The FP-420 was created in an old gun factory responsible for the development of the miserable WWII failure, the FP-45 Liberator.  With the 2 story factory fully converted based on Nugg’s mastermind schematics, this facility can yield up to 10 bushels every 65 days.  Climate controlled via a two part diversion system, Nugg’s can keep the perfect temperature and humidity levels for his philanthropic operations. 
Figure Details:
o    *  10 inch custom Death'sHead figure
o    *  Hand created, designed, crafted and painted hand by NUGGLIFE (Ian Ziobrowski)
o    *  Powered by a 9 volt battery, this should meet everyone's growing needs post-apocalyptic destruction   

 So I'm friends with Ian, friendly enough to hang out with him outside of toys and to have each other in our phone contacts... but I gotta tell ya, it's hard to get him on the phone. I just played phone tag with him for over a week. He's so fucking busy it's not even funny. This is a perfect example of why he's so busy. What a goddamned epic piece. Just incredible. You can see AND BUY a lot more sweet pieces by Ian at our NYCC booth #208... Ian will be rolling up with the most customs he's every assembled for one event... so bring your fat wallet.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book