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Court of the Dead

Apr 27, 2014

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Undead Baby Dragon & Bitemares Plush Kickstarter by Vamplets

Baby Bitemares plushes by Vamplets
Undead Baby Dragon plush by Vamplets
We have had a long relationship with the fine people at Vamplets... I'm not sure when we actually met G-Ra, the spokesgoth for Vamplets, but she has our same fun, sort of absurd attitude. We've been fast friends ever since! Lately Vamplets has successfully funded a few different awesome plush Kickstarters for new products, and this one looks to be another success... with 20 days more to go and just $400 more to raise, it's pretty much a done deal!

And it's no wonder, those Baby Bitemares (top pic) are ridiculously cute... you can grab one for just $15 in their Kickstarter. The adorable Undead Baby Dragon (above) is just $35.

I picked up a pink Baby Bitemare for my niece, who currently resides in Tokyo (yes, my niece is cooler than me already).

You can also grab a comic book for $5, or a graphic novel and comic book set for $20.
In one of their earlier Kickstarters, I picked up a Ghost Pony plush, which is probably also going to be shipped to Tokyo if I can convince myself to part with it. Super cool, creepy plush. In this Kickstarter, you can grab a saddle for your Ghost Pony for just $12, or if you missed the last Kickstarter, you can pick up the full Ghost Pony with Saddle set for $35 (pictured below).

Love these products. These are great gift ideas, and the prices are really reasonable, especially given the fact that they include US shipping.

Check out the latest Vamplets Kickstarter! You'll be sorry! 

oh I mean you WON'T be sorry! heh.

Vamplets Ghost Pony with Saddle

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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