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Court of the Dead

Apr 14, 2014

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TOYCON UK Leftovers from NEMORI

Image of WINDERMERE - 3" custom resin 
For all those who were unable to attend TOYCON UK this past weekend, artists are starting to put left over stock online. One of those companies, NEMORI (the joint venture with Cris Rose and Lunabee) put up these great resin Windermere Owls. Priced at 25 GBP each plus shipping, or roughly $42 plus shipping, these resin owls are roughly 3" tall and are an original sculpt. All the owls are uniquely painted and some even come with a nifty hat. 

Another great thing about the NEMORI world, is the story behind all the fun little creatures being created. Be sure to head on over to the NEMORI online store and pick up one of these, and possibly a Brightfiled Bunny or Burntwood Bear.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book