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Court of the Dead

Aug 9, 2012

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DUDEBOX FEATURE: King Crackal by Jonny Wan

 Just arrived from Dudebox is this 7.5-inch King Crackal figure designed by Jonny Wan

Jonny Wan was born in Sheffield in 1985 to parents with Hong Kong ancestry.  This exposed him to the bright, visual imagery of far eastern Asian culture, inspiring him to “create”. His childhood was spent mostly drawing from visual pop culture and his favourite cartoon characters with his own personal twist. He has always had the ability to retreat into his own world and let his imagination run wild, which has been his escape from what is happening around him.

His unique style has enabled him to work and collaborate with some of the world’s leading brands, to produce work on a global scale. Jonny has achieved so much thus far but has much more to offer the creative industry by developing his work to reach and inspire more people around the world; an exciting journey during which anything can happen!

Read an interview with Jonny Wan here.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book