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Court of the Dead

Jun 7, 2012

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Focus Blue Diamond Ninja, Focus by Tony Gil

You gotta watch Tony Gil. His customs are sick. There's definitely something to be said for a customizer who comes up with simple, bold concepts that are executed well. This piece works for me even though there's a limited color palette... expert resculpting of this 4-inch Munny figure's arms and legs and a simple paint job make this one pretty damn cool in my book. Tony Gil made "Focus Blue Diamond Ninja, Focus" in multiples (5 pieces) and I think at least one is left here in his shop
This piece was one of Tony's entries into the Munnyworld contest, and of course, it was inspired by The Karate Kid.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book