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Court of the Dead

Mar 28, 2010

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Sketchbot custom show at MyPlasticHeart: currently running

On Friday I made my monthly pilgrimage down to Forsyth Street to go see the Sketchbot custom show at MyPlasticHeart. Sketchbots are the first vinyl production toy by Steve Talkowski, a local NYC toy guy. Sketchbots definitely make a solid customizing platform as you will see in the pictures I took.
A few appear in this post but you may see all of the pics in the set I uploaded to Flickr.
I have to say that this was an exceptional custom show, even by MPH's high standards. I am not sure if it was the super-high-quality customs, the range of styles represented, the extremely positive and supportive crowd, or what. But it was just a really great time. I definitely recommend a visit if you're in the NYC area.

Visiting on holiday from Germany was Wolfgang, aka VISEone from PatchTogether, who I was meeting in person for the first time. As our "guest", of sorts, from overseas, I made sure to intro him to the full cast of NYC characters: NEMO, Mr. Den, Andrew Bell, OsirisOrion, Stephen from Tomopop, Vin from MPH, Lou Pimentel, LYS0L, Grim & Saki from iheartcoolstuff, King Abnon, Eric from Argonaut Resins, and the man himself, Steve Talkowski.
I was also very excited to meet Mr Munk, Project Detonate, Rob (aka XxSmackxX), Moopf (an artist from the UK with a piece in the show), and Ganiu from Cookies N Cream. (Cookies N Cream is the company that's organizing the ToyStreet event next week.)
All in all, a great show. Many thanks to everyone from MPH, who welcomed in a big crowd and put on a great show. And congrats to Steve Talkowski for such a successful launch of the Sketchbot! If you are interested in purchasing a DIY Sketchbot to customize yourself, email us at We'll get em when they are released.
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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book