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Court of the Dead

Aug 11, 2022

Banana Skinny Cap DIY White vinyl figure by Playful Gorilla x Tenacious Toys

Vendor: Tenacious Toys Type: Vinyl Art Toy Price: 30.00 COMING SOON - STAY TUNED TO BOOZIN BUDDIES ON IG FOR THE DROP INFO The new Banana Skinny Cap DIY platform by Playful Gorilla is his stylized take on a classic. With a cool play on words, of course the Gorilla and Bananas are a perfect combo! The Banana Skinny Caps are a 5” tall customizable platform that come in a limited run of colors offering plenty of space and options for working with aerosol, airbrush, paint pens, stencils or even your favorite clay. The Banana Skinny Cap DIY is a giant-sized homage to the graffiti scene and all those giants that came before us. * 5" tall, 5.5" wide * vinyl * polybagged with header card * DIY white will be an open edition but currently limited to 500 pieces * designed by Playful Gorilla * produced in by Tenacious Toys In the photo gallery are Skinny Caps customized by Cash Cannon, Keverones and Mr Mars Studios. Buy it here: Buy it here:
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