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Court of the Dead

Sep 10, 2017


Beary Efficient Bear: Mighty Jaxx Pushes the Boundaries

Gotta hand it to Mighty Jaxx... they are getting very creative, releasing works by more and more different artists, and pushing the boundaries outside of comfort zones!

That's what art is about, innit?

Here's their latest release: Beary Efficient Bear:

We’ve done countless collaborations in many shapes and sizes but never one that’s quite like this. In our latest tie-up with Shanghai-based Naughty Brain, we bring you a clever yet cheeky take on a self-sufficient bear that is available in both Golden Sun and Grizzly Brown colorways. Eco-friendly and extremely self-loving, our Beary Efficient Bear is a real trooper when it comes to sustainable living. Come support him as he grows his own bamboo for sustenance and bears his very soul (and body) to you!

Vinyl, 7 inches tall, available as preorders in 2 colorways at $99 each here. These are designed by Naughty Brain, an artist based out of Shanghai.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book