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Court of the Dead

Jul 6, 2017

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YOU ARE INVITED to Kevin Smith's 47th Birthday Party in NJ on August 5th

That's not even a joke!!!

Here's the info straight from Kevin:

To celebrate both the 20th anniversary of Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash as well as my 47th Birthday, I'm trying to break into the most famous records book of all time with the largest gathering of Jay and Silent Bob cosplayers ever assembled! Come dressed in your best Jay or Silent Bob costume and get ready to mingle with the luminaries of the Secret Stash - Walt, Bryan, Ming and Mike (aka the Comic Book Men) before you take a giant group photo with all the cosplayers and the REAL Jay and Bob - JASON MEWES and KEVIN SMITH!

Saturday, August 5 at 6 AM - 7 PM
35 Broad St, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book