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Court of the Dead

Sep 17, 2015

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Trick or Geek x UME toys resin collectible

With a chill in the air and the nights drawing in, it can only mean one thing. Halloween is around the corner. To celebrate our favorite holiday of the year Ume toys has got a special release lined up in the form of this pumpkin headed cutie. He's ready to head out trick or treating in his pumpkin costume clutching his own swag bag and pumpkin accessory. Each hand made collectable is signed and numbered on the base and ships in a custom header carded bag. If you fancy adding him to your collection head over to Ume toys webstore on Friday 18th September at 9:00pm London time where they will be available for £38.00.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book