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Court of the Dead

Jan 1, 2015

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2015 Tenacious Toys CLEARANCE SALE - Discounts up to 50% off

New year, new inventory on the way... anything older than 6 months HAS TO GO. That's 50+ items. See all of them here in our Clearance section. We're offering increasing discounts the more you add to your cart! In many cases this will lead to you paying less than wholesale costs on many of these items.


Use the following codes to get your discounts off of items you find in this section:
CLEAR50 - 10% off orders of $50+
CLEAR100 - 20% off orders of $100+
CLEAR150 - 30% off orders of $150+
CLEAR200 - 40% off orders of $200+
CLEAR250 - 50% off orders of $250+

The fine print:
This is a limited-time promotion. We are definitely running it all of January. We may or may not extend it into February. Items in this promotion are all in-stock, and all have been up for sale here for 6 months or more. As time goes by, more items will be added to this promotion. One coupon code per order. These codes are one-time use per customer. Codes will ONLY take discounts off of items that appear in this Clearance section. If your cart contains some items that are NOT in this section, discounts will not be applied to non-clearance items. However, the discounts above ARE triggered simply by the subtotal of your order, so you can add some non-Clearance items to your cart to bump you up to the next discount level.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book