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Court of the Dead

Apr 8, 2011

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SNEAK PEEK: Ian Ziobrowski's Nuggy Growstation masterpiece

Every once in a while, it seems, some of you customizers go effing nuts. Now is that time for Ian Ziobrowski, who got commissioned someone with deep pockets to do up a 10-inch MadL. Now, you know Ian never skimps on detail or quality, but I really think this time he's completely lost his mind. Because I know for a fact that he's been working on this commission of months. We've been talking about it for a LONG time. Exhibit A, above, is one of Ian's DEA Agent custom 3-onch Dunnys, complete with automatic weapon and canine partner, alongside a 10-inch MadL. That's the "Nuggy Growstation," which he will fully reveal in a couple days.

Exhibit B: It seems that inside this Growstation is a Yeti! Who knows what else is inside this piece? Hmm, well, it's called "the Nuggy Growstation" so let me guess... I get the feeling that it's gonna be epic, on par with TaskOne's recently revealed Qee-thedral piece. Can't wait for the full reveal on this one! Keep watching Ian's Facebook page for more photos and info.


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