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Court of the Dead

Sep 3, 2009

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TOYTOY FACTORY: Handmade plushies from Brazil!

You may recall that I showed up at GRNY a couple weeks ago for the Jon Burgerman show. While I was there, I met a super cool guy named Daniel who was on vacation from Brasil. Turns out Daniel and his crew back home hand sew plush toys! Their company is called ToyToy Factory.
The next weekend as Daniel was heading back to Brasil, he left a present for me: this AWESOME ToyToy hand-made plush! This one's right up my alley- sort of evil and cute at the same time!
Please visit ToyToy's website or blog to find out more about how to order one of their colorful custom plushes for yourself.
You can find ToyToy's images on Flickr and follow them on Twitter.
I am also friends with some of the ToyToy people on Facebook, so you can contact Daniel Corso there as well.
Thank you SO MUCH Daniel for this very kind gesture!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


  1. YAY! Thanx for spreading the word!!! :D
    cheers from Brazil!!

    Angela Covacs
    TOY TOY !

  2. Very cool! Nice to see write-ups about toy companies the world over. And I love the Toy Toy plush with the glasses.

  3. Everything looks good in your posting.
    That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book