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Court of the Dead

Jan 12, 2017

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Hieronymus Bosch Garden of Earthly Delights 5-inch Resin Figurines

 Dude. These are fucking bananas. Thanks to Go Hero's Steve Forde and the magical majick of Facebook, I stumbled across these pieces which were covered in this Dangerous Minds blog post. Apparently there are over a dozen of these insane characters from the famous Bosch painting which have been turned into resin collectibles. THESE are truly art collectibles in every sense of the word.

$45 each, and they seem to be available on Amazon. Way cool. Reminder that Garden of Earthly Delights was completed in the early 1500s, which means these awesome and twisted characters are over 500 years old. I see these characters as direct ancestors of the current monster / kaiju collectibles that are on the market today. We do love bizarre creatures, don't we? Yes we do. Always have.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book