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Court of the Dead

Jan 9, 2010

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When Hell Freezes Over @ MPH NYC featuring Lou Pimentel's customized Cranston Fellows Jr figures

Many thanks to MPH for being so welcoming to me, I've never once felt like I was the "competition" when I walk in there. I am treated like a friend. I love that place. They even fed me pizza and soda!
Kudos to Lou Pimentel who was able to pull in some of the most talented artists in the toy business for this show. EVERY PIECE was world-class work. It struck me that Lou's Cranston figure makes for a superb platform for customization. Word.
I hung out with Lou & his wifey, NEMO, KaNo, Steve Talkowski, iheartcoolstuff, the staff of MPH and of course a whole mess of other toy peoples. It was a great time and I'd recommend stopping by MPH to anyone who could possibly make it into Manhattan for one of their shows. Always a good time.
Hell Freezes Over will be up and viewable for a while so if you missed last night, definitely head over there within the next few weeks.
Oh yeah, they also have a ton of toys to buy so you can get your fix.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book