Feb 16, 2018

A Sit Down with Boy In The Corner

So it's no secret in the designer toy world that there's an art battle going on between Boy In The Corner and The 3D Hero. We here at Tenacious.Ninja took the time to sit down with these two artistic brutes and find out what's driving them through this competition.

Quick Review:
 Just in case you missed it, there's been some banter between these two artists via Instagram. It began with small, sly comments on each other's posts but on January 31st it appears that The 3D Hero decided to see who's the better artist once and for all and officially called out Boy In The Corner.
Needless to say as dramatic as The 3D Hero is, he created a video with all the specs that you can see here.

Now for the good stuff!
Heath Duntz aka Boy In The Corner was gracious enough to take a few minutes off the battlefield to answer a few quick questions for us. Let's see what he has to say:

Pryncx Mydnyte: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me Boy In The Corner. I know things are pretty crazy right now with you preparing your piece.

Boy In The Corner: Sure thing! This is my first interview so I'm rather excited.

PM: Is this your first battle?

BTC: I guess? lol. I've done many shows but I've never been challenged personally. Honestly, I've been doing this for a long time and this is the first time I've seen something like this.

PM: In that sense, do you feel like you guys are making history?

BTC: In a way. I see this as a way to keep stepping up the toy game. This is also a way for us as artists to learn all types of new techniques.

PM: So why an art battle?

BTC: It's a good platform to showcase what exactly each artist is capable of. A lot of us are invited to be in various shows and we're limited by that show's theme. This way we can do what we want, when we want and how we want.

PM: Can you tell us ,without saying, what we can expect from your piece?
BTC: The platform that we're using for this competition is the TEQ63 by Quiccs (3D's choice). He chose the theme of Earth. I chose water. Just know that there will be high quality marble and glass.

PM: What's the overall goal of this battle? Charity? Dominance? Bragging Rights?
BTC: It's all in fun :) ... Well for me it is.

PM: When is the big debut?
BTC:  You can expect to see teasers for the rest of the month. The official unveiling date is TBA but it will for certain be some time in March. Stay tuned for that.

PM: Do you have any words for The 3D Hero?
BTC:  I'm always up for a good challenge! I couldn't be happier to have you as an opponent!

Thanks again to Boy In The Corner for doing this interview with us! Be sure to follow all the battle banter on  Tenacious.Ninja , Boy In The Corner's Instagram Page and The 3D Hero's Instagram page.

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