Oct 20, 2017

Sugar Fueled's Sweet Success

 As the show comes to an end, the acts retire for the season & the vendors begin to pack up what's left of their delicious treats. Every buttered kernel of popcorn, every salted pretzel, every treat imaginable  gets thrown into the trailer...except for one. Far off into the darkness lies a forgotten spindle of the most delicious, hand spun cotton candy this side of the west coast.

Our confectioner for this evening was none other than the one and only Sugar Fueled." A Little Dirt Never Hurt" came to NYCC as a themed piece for PiQ's " Cirque Du PiQ"
This sugary maven used this opportunity to really connect to the audience by giving us a little piece of him. The spindle is a retired paintbrush of the artist; one that was used to create other magnificent pieces such as Spun with Love, Your As Welcome As Can Be, Belle and many many more. Adding this piece to your collection is more than adding just another custom; it's completely engulfing you to a simpler time. One reminiscent of the days of old.

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