May 15, 2017

GOFN Behind The Figure Interview: The Sucklord

"ALL HAIL THE SUCKLORD. The high court of the Supervillain with the mostest is now in session! GOFN concludes its long-running interview series, Behind The Figure, with something truly special. And what's more, I secretly fluffed the whole thing - "roast" style - by peppering it with quotes from some beloved colleagues of the man behind the moniker that just keeps going, like the Energizer Bunny on steroids. In fact, just today I spoke with his buddy Kevin Malone who told me: "I still purchase from Morgan, but I was once picking up everything he released. He did a collaboration with Tyler Ham called the Suck One and it was basically a dick ship that Tyler had sculpted (lol) it was a great piece but I just couldn't bring myself to buy it and display it." Without further adieu, and with a hatful o' comes the Sucklord, so candid, so righteously smart-ass. We bring you with the man of the (Suck)hour."

Check out the full interview at Go Figure News' website now. 

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