Apr 11, 2017

Jason Adams Free Hugs Action Figure - Tenacious Toys Exclusive "Will Work for Toys" Edition in Stock Now

Our exclusive blue "Will Work for Toys" limited edition of Jason Adams' Free Hugs resin figures are in stock now! 

Ever feel like you'd basically do anything to be able to get more toys?

Yeah, me too. This guy is your spirit animal. Roaming the streets, picking up odd jobs like demo work, clearing trash from sidewalks, and standing in line for you for the new iPhone... all for that next sweet, sweet toy fix. Only $39.95 and available here. Priced low enough that you can probably afford one after a solid day of work.

Comes with a large Will Work for Toys cardback so you can take that out of the blister, head back out to the street and find your next gig a little easier. See? We care about your addiction.

Your toy addiction.

Don't do drugs.

Seriously we joke around a lot but that shit isn't funny. Opening a new toy gives you the same high, chemically, but it's socially acceptable! Sort of. Possibly also easier to explain. Definitely more legal.

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