Mar 19, 2017

Matt Obscure Perez Announces Unity Through Art Show

Matt "Obscure" Perez has curated a show for The Alley Gallery in Pomona, CA and has brought a very diverse list of artists together for it.  The show is titled "Unity Through Art".  The show will consist of all collaborative works.  The artist list includes: Obscure x Juan Muniz, Amber "Spiderface" Tilden x Dorys Dee, J*Ryu x Luke Chueh, Jeremy Cross x DW Frydendall, Big C x angelina nwin, and more. There was no specific theme for the art pieces, but the idea is to show unity within the art community through collaboration.  The show will open on April 20th, 2017 and will feature music, vendors, and a live art jam for all of the featured artists to take the theme of collaboration and unity further.

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