Mar 15, 2017

Kicking Off a Week of Photographic Coverage of Tenacious Toys Products on EXCLU Collective

We are always game to expand our relationships with like-minded people and companies, so when Jack from EXCLU Collective contacted us about working together, we were all ears.

Jack explained that EXCLU focuses on in depth coverage of the work of active members of the Toy Photography community, the the images don't lie... there are some seriously talented people taking pictures of toys!

DEFINITELY definitely worth a read through issues 1, 2 and 3. Click here to visit their site, click on Magazines in nav menu to see all issues.

When I realized how AWESOOOME these photos are that they are publishing, I immediately sent EXCLU a box of our current toys. Stay tuned to EXCLU for a week's worth of coverage of some of the items we sell. Their own intro / teaser post is here.
- Benny Kline

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