Nov 5, 2016

Nugglife Hustling with NEW Apparel, Pins, Custom Toys and Paintings

Ian writes:
It's been a hectic past 2 months building the Nugglife Brand.  Making the first big move into expanding and becoming more than just an art/toy based company.  For almost 9 months prior to this past NYCC we have been in full motion, expanding into cut n sew clothing.  Expressing the brand in a premium urban designer wear inspired by the New York hustler. We keep the quality of the apparel on the same plane as our art. Relating the two is important to us, and as the series builds it allows us to fully expand bringing our characters lifestyle into apparel.  

Be ready as we have full collab resin pieces and customs dropping the next couple months, and a full winter drop.  Peep all the goodies dropped at NYCC this past month! NYCC 2016 was the first official launch of the Nugglife Brand as whole.

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