Nov 12, 2016

DCon 2016 Booth #128 - Colus

Artist Colus Havenga, or just Colus, has been hard at work finishing up his Jumper piece in time for Designer Con 2016. Situated at Booth #128, Colus will have six Jumper pieces available for purchase, which he's been teasing for weeks now. This piece started out as a digital sculpt, 3d printed, cleaned, cast and painted, all by Colus. It's definitely been a long 34 weeks or so, from Colus' initial digital sculpt tease posted on Instagram. It's a wonderful thing how digital sculpting and 3d printing can make thoughts into reality. No word on pricing yet as of yet, but maybe one of the toy manufacturers attending DCON will check it out and want to produce Jumper in a larger quantity than the handmade six. For those headed to Designer Con, be sure to stop by Colus' Booth #128 early, it's likely that all the Jumper pieces will hop away into waiting collections.
Jumper - Digital rendering(?) posted by Colus on Instagram, April 1, 2016
Instagram: @Colus
- Mark-Anthony

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