Oct 30, 2016

Clara Bergel Custom Vinyl Art Show at BuXa Tel Aviv

Happen to be in Tel Aviv this November? Make sure to stop for a drink at the recently renovated BuXa bar and art gallery and check out the awesome custom vinyl art by Clara Bergel.

Bergel's solo show, scheduled intentionally in proximity to Día de Muertos, will feature a collection of works inspired by her travels to Mexico, focused on Mexican card and skeletons. 
About 20 works will be up for sale starting the opening night, set to 7:00pm, November 12, 2016. The art will be displayed for three more weeks, into early early December. During opening night, the artist will also be customizing live at the BuXa, so whether you are a local vinyl collector or a tourist, this is an event you should not miss! 

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