Sep 19, 2016

Tenacious.Ninja Blog Is a Finalist in the Designer Toy Awards - VOTE NOW

In what seems to be a horrible mistake on the part of the clearly overworked people at Clutter, this blog (yeah, like the one you are reading) has made the finals of this year's Designer Toy Awards. We snuck into the Best Blog Category through underhanded dealings and suspect vote-riggin... I mean, THROUGH HARD FUCKING WORK and dedicated blogging! (I'd like to thank our dedicated team of Ninjas for blogging like champs for years with style and grace. This is a community blog, YOU can blog here too. Just email me. Maybe we will all win!)

HAHA! I always try to maintain a healthy dose of big-picture thinking when it comes to the DTAs. I feel like the whole shebang is good for designer toys or whatever the fuck we are calling them. I don't really care who wins, I just like spending time with my friends and seeing everyone. Cool the see people get all choked up on stage. All the artists work so damn hard for so little, a tiny smidge of recognition feels so good for everyone... even if they won't admit it.

So go click here and cast your vote for all the public-voted categories... voting closes on MONDAY September 26, so really, go now. Don't put it off. Maybe we will win this year so we can rub the big ass trophy in Gary's face...

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