Aug 9, 2016

Final hours to submit a Nomination for DTA 2016

Time is running out to submit a nomination or five for this years Designer Toy Awards. If you have a favorite store, toy, artist, blog, or anything that fits one of the many categories, head on over to Designer Toy Awards and submit a nomination. The great thing about these open nominations is that anyone and anything can technically be nominated initially. Of course, the nominations will get dwindled down behind the scenes by a random group of people but at the very least, this is a chance to get some lesser known artists more attention. So, if for those who will complain later about some artists not getting the recognition he/she deserves, be sure to at least submit that nomination. Submitting a DTA nomination is quite literally the least someone could do to help get an artist some news. Soon, it'll be "Vote early, vote often".

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