Jan 25, 2016

New Release by Creo Design - Creology

Creology, created by Chris Alexander A.K.A Creo Design, is the first truly unique creative tool that can help you personally and creatively develop.

CREOLOGY (cre-o-logy) is derived from the Latin word for ‘Create’ CREO and the Greek word for ‘The Study of’ (a certain subject) LOGY. CREOLOGY; the study of creativity.

Creology has been developed from the philosophies of; the Creative Process, Collaboration as Process, Curation of Creativity and Reflection, as a method for Personal and Creative Development. The purpose of Creology is to explore and examine the nature of practitioners creativity through their interaction with an individually unique and creative physical tool/artifact ‘Element’.

Creative practitioners use a variety of design methodologies, creative methods and sometimes actual tools to express their creative process. But within each individual approach, reflection is the common factor or lingua franca and the one true constant embedded within each practitioners core creative and personal development). Reflection in this sense, as the very means of creative and personal growth, differs radically between specialisms and specialists with no specific or consistent tool or platform embodying this expression.

However, Individuality and self-expression is paramount to all successful creative practitioners and the body of work they produce, whilst the creative process itself has been less easily quantified.
Personalisation/customisation is fundamental to social dynamics and filling our environments with our own personal objects and artifacts transforms that space into an extension of our creative individuality and identity – objects with their own biographies.

Backed by extensive research, data sets drawn from over 150+ creative practitioners responses to a subjective psychoanalytical survey, resulted in a series of unique Elements [3D modeled and 3D printed]. These Elements were then used as touch-points in their creative process or as a platform for ideation and creative expression. The resulting Elements were also used to help curate and showcase an individuals or team’s pragmatic or idealistic approach to brainstorming, visual mapping and project development.

The generation and use of a unique and personal platform allows the user/s to; Curate, Reflect, Evaluate and Originate new and existing creative outputs via multiple means of interaction. The Elements in this sense is also a tangible representation of individuals or groups Creative Identity. This holistic and creative method/tool may assist in the creation of a more cohesive creative approach, through the curation of ideas, which may inspire new creativity, foster existing relations whilst also forging new creative collaborations.

You have the option to undertake the survey for yourself and create your own element to personalize/customize. OR you can by any of the pre-made elements. Great artists and creative’s including Jackson Aw (Mighty Jaxx), Benny Kline (Tenacious Toys), Gary Rozanski (The Toy
Chronicle), Lee McSweeney (Collect & Display),Lisa Rae Hansen (I Break Toys), Penny Taylor (Taylored Curiosities), Richard Page (UMEtoys), Aaron Woes (Woes Martin), Gavin Strange (Jam Factory), Radim Malinic (Brand_Nu), Tado, Paul and Becky (Stitches & Glue), Ziqi Wu (QiQi), Mirand O’ Brien (Clutter Magazine) and Evan Morgan – and so many more are all there to buy and collaborate with in a unique and exciting way.

Elements come in 2’’, 3’’,4’’, 5’’ and 6’’ sizes and prices range from £5 - £30. Each 3D printed to order in amazing quality and shipping is a one off fee per order of £4 for the UK and £8 International. So no matter how much you place in your order that is all you pay!

To find out more and place your order please visit





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