Dec 1, 2015

Introducing Yuna, the First Character in the Dream Big Friends Doll Line

The Kickstarter to fund the production of Yuna, the first character in the expansive Dream Big Friends line of positive, encouraging dolls, is well on its way! Click here to back the Kickstarter - you can order the 10", fully articulated Yuna plus her kitty Kamata for just $40 + shipping! 

We (Klim, David and I) just got back from DCon where we revealed the Yuna prototypes to the public for the first time. It was a ton of fun and we had 100% super positive feedback - people LOVE her! Below is David creating the Yuna Inception photo apparently. 

Dream Big Friends is a doll line concept developed by David Horvath and Sun Min (Uglydoll creators) and Klim Kozinevich (Bigshot Toyworks creative lead) that fills a gap in the market for dolls which are fully encouraging of imagination, with positive messages and cute, approachable design.

For instance: Yuna loves science and rockets. She wants to own her own rocket company and fly to Mars, where she will be the first person to walk on the Red Planet! She loves K-pop music and hanging out at Giant Robot (dig the shirt!). She has a cat named Kamata and likes wearing funky socks, and her big red coat is her favorite piece of clothing. The idea is to make Yuna, and all of the Dream Big Friends characters, as real as possible, with unique and distinct qualities that makes them all special. By showing how different and special each character is, Dream Big Friends hopes to encourage both girls and boys to celebrate that which makes each of them special.

David, Sun Min and Klim have big plans to release more characters of all different backgrounds, ethnicities and yes, boy characters in addition to the girls. The first step is getting the Yuna Kickstarter funded, and everything will take off from there. Back the Yuna Kickstarter now, and check out the intro video below:

As an aside, I should mention that I (Benny) am managing the Yuna Kickstarter for Bigshot Toyworks, like I did for the Maddies and the Four Horsies previously. Hope you can support us and get a pledge in! We even have smaller rewards for $5, $10 or $20 in case you want to back it but can't afford the $40:

Yuna measures 10" tall and she is a fully articulated doll with real clothing. Dream Big Friends dolls will be safety tested for kids.

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