Nov 13, 2015

The Crow Custom Muttpop Dr. Destruction by Jon-Paul Kaiser

Jon-Paul Kaiser has been pretty busy lately, prepping for his trip to California to attend Designer Con 2015. All this show prep doesn't stop him from continuing to deliver on completed commissions. Jon-Paul's latest delivered commission is a custom Dr. Destruction figure, by Muttpop. The Crow, Eric Draven, emerges from the Dr. Destruction figure, after a weekend of sculpting and endless sanding. This custom required a bit more sculpting work, due to the shape of the original head and intended completed result. Sticking to a simple color palette, JPK was able to create movement in the long coat and pants, as well as the added crow sitting on the shoulder. A nice completed commission, that should make the private collector happy. Photos were taken by Justin Allfree. For those attending Designer Con 2015, be sure to stop by Jon-Paul Kaiser's Booth, #112.

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