Nov 5, 2015

Sturnbrau and Sketchup Custom Dunny Set by Jon-Paul Kaiser

With Designer Con 2015 only a few weeks away, Jon-Paul Kaiser is still delivering commissioned pieces, while also prepping to make his trip over to California for DCON. Jon-Paul's latest custom set is a nautical themed custom Sturnbrau and Sketchup Dunny set. This older Captain Sturnbrau continues to gather more tattoos and new emblem on his hat, signs of the distances traveled in his ship, the Whispering Corsair. A nice companion piece to Captain Sturnbrau is the Sketchup Dunny, which shows a battle between a sperm whale and a giant Kraken-like squid. With the epic fight taking place within the confines of an old grog bottle, the ship that once sailed the seas lay sunken on the bed of the sea floor. Photos were taken by Justin Allfree, with more photos showing up on Jon-Paul Kaiser's social media pages. This set makes a nice pair and is a nice primer for those who are going to be attending DCon 2015. Jon-Paul is sure to bring along a lot of goodies with him. So, for anyone within driving range of Anaheim, make sure to purchase tickets for DCON now.

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