Nov 30, 2015

Don't Cuddle the Krampus by Warpo - Final Week on Kickstarter

It's no secret, I love anything Krampus. I've sold a few different Krampus toys on our website, and I donated some of our toy inventory to the company that does set dressing for the upcoming Krampus flick. So, with this hilarious iteration of Krampus so close to the end, and so close to being funded, it's time for me to spring into action! Look at this fucking thing, it's hideous and awesome and it needs to be made.

Check the video below:

That's great Benny, what the shit is a Krampus?
Good question. From the Kickstarter: "Krampus is an ancient European legend and wicked counterpart to Saint Nicholas. His job is to punish naughty children by swatting them with rusty chains and switches and then stuffing them into his sack to be carried away to his evil lair."

See? Awesome. Go spend your money. And while you're at it, back Dream Big Friends too because you need something non-creepy and constructive to give to some kids in your family. You know you do. I'm managing the Dream Big Friends Kickstarter for Bigshot Toyworks and David Horvath. Kickstarter is the bomb, get with it or get left behind.

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