Oct 25, 2015

The Skullhead Blank by Huck Gee

For over 4 years now, Huck Gee has been working on what he considers a better canvas for customizers. Huck also wanted the final product to not be produced overseas. With a lot of work and time, Huck has finally developed a product that he considers good to be released to the public. The Skullhead Blank is the first released figure in the Blank line of figures and is up for sale on Huck Gee's webstore right now. With a few smaller releases prior, the figure seems to have been well received. Priced at $75 a figure, The Skullhead Blank stands around 7-8", with a wider range of articulation than a typical DIY figure. There is no word on how many Huck has for sale in this current batch, but it's definitely a nice figure to pick up. It will be nice to see more customizers take a crack at The Skullhead Blank. For up to date info, be sure to subscribe to Huck Gee's newsletter and follow him on all the various social media sites.

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